Monday, October 19, 2009

Right Up There with the Lady of Pain?

I ran into the Sword Emperor himself tonight as I was navigating through the cyber-planes and took a plunge through an iffy portal behind a brothel (got to stop doing that, just where in the hell do I keep thinking those ones are going to lead to?)... It wasn't as bad as meeting the Lady of Pain though. (shivers) In fact, it was really quite pleasant because at the end of the day he runs a very pleasant blog. But not any old blog for there are a hundred billion of those out there. No no, *this* blog had Planescape: Torment stuff on it and that my friends is always a good thing. Truly warms my heart. It was cool because the Sword Emperor played through, chronicling his experiences along the way, PS:T and gave a great review at the end. I thought I would put up a link to his review for all to check out:

As an aside, the other day I put up a topic on a Diablo II forum and someone responded to the post by starting off with an "it's great to see another Planescape:Torment fan!"... You see my profile name on the forum is Vhailor and well, a connection was made. It kind of hit me when I saw this, another fan's recognition of the game: People at large who have played Planescape: Torment treat it with deep respect...

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Justice Is Not Blind, I Am Her Eyes


Torment is full of "wow" moments. Moments that make you stop and think. Moments that make you want to reload a saved game file or play the entire game again. In fact, the game is like one big long epic moment. Sure it has up and down slopes but the overall curve it is truly stunning.

I was thinking of my "favorite" moment and while it would be wrong to say I truly have one there is a moment that I have recently been thinking about a lot and that is when The Nameless One meets Vhailor. You see Vhailor is perhaps more akin to The Nameless One than any other NPC or character in the game. (excepting TTO who is a part of TNO) The difference is that it wasn't some misguided ritual performed by a night hag that gave him his immortality (okay so maybe he isn't truly immortal like TNO but you get the idea) rather it was through sheer force of will and dedication to an ideal that literally kept him from dying until his work was through... I dig that... a lot?

Talk about undying loyalty to a cause... such a phrase has always been used metaphorically until Vhailor's character was created. One more reason to love Planescape: Torment. (actually, as an aside, I am reminded of the Thousand Sons Chaos Space Marines from the table top minatures game Warhammer 40k. Their armour was sealed shut by a curse so that their spirits continued to live in their armor long after their physical bodies had turned to dust. Vhailor, however, continues living long past his mortal expiration date to fight for justice through sheer force of will)