Monday, November 23, 2009


I've decided to diversify. Expand beyond PS:T. Why? Because PS:T is effectively dead to the world at large. In fact, it never really lived except within the hearts of a select few. But at the end of the day I don't think anybody reads this blog and I used to falsely maintain that such didn't really matter ... I lied. It does. If it didn't I would write off-line. But for some reason, it matters. Maybe my writing isn't up to par with the bloggers who have readers, but I know that my topic of choice, PS:T, isn't really helping either and while I can't wake up tomorrow suddenly as a blogger extraordinaire, I can maybe write for a larger audience. I'm not "selling out" however. PS:T always is and always will be the best game ever and I will write about it often but I will also write beyond PS:T. I am determined however to stay within the realm of video games. So I may blog about Modern Warfare 2. Or Bioshock. Or Unreal Tournament... whatever. But I will maintain focus on video games. So if you happen to "like" video games you might find something of interest on Prime Material. (the name stays, for now) You don't even have to like PS:T... you should; but you don't have to.

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